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Senator Cruz and Why You Should Not Restart Your Speech

Jeffrey Davis • Jan 23, 2015

Senator Ted Cruz delivered a rebuttal to President Obama’s State of the Union Address this week. He got one minute through the speech and then decided he needed to start over. So he offered up a “Meh, let’s start over”, and then began from the top. Yikes.

Don’t do this folks, for a few reasons:

1) Our Second Take Is Usually Similar To Our First Take – If you notice the senator’s second take in the video above, it’s not that much better then his first take. Which brings me to my second point…

2) Sometimes We Think We Suck, But The Audience Feels Differently – Perhaps the senator thought he could improve his first take, but it was not likely that the audience noticed he was off. If he just worked to get himself back in the groove, it’s unlikely the audience would have noticed he was off.

3) Starting Over Makes It Look Like You’re Not Prepared – A rebuttal to President Obama’s State of the Union shot on an iPhone? Really Ted? This speech reeks of a lack of preparation.

Don’t ad lib your speeches. Don’t throw them together. It always shows. Bullet point your ideas. Review them thoroughly. Even if you’re in a rush. You’ll be glad you did.

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